Portillo's Carpet Installation · Mario Alberto Portillo

1417 Hanover St
CO 80010


Portillo's Carpet Installation is a trade name registered with Colorado Department of State (CDOS). The master trade name number is #20238237427. The business address is 1417 Hanover St
CO 80010. The effective date is November 27, 2023.

Trade Name Information

Trade Name ID 20238237427
Trade Name Portillo's Carpet Installation
Registrant Name Mario Alberto Portillo
Address 1417 Hanover St
CO 80010
Mailing Address 1417 Hanover St
CO 80010
Trade Name Form Individual
Effective Date 2023-11-27
Added Date 2023-11-27

Businesses with the same name

Business NameAddressEffective Date
Portillo's Carpet Installation · Mario Alberto Portillo-Gonzalez 1417 Hanover St, Aurora, CO 800102018-08-12

Businesses with the same name

Business NameAddressEffective Date
Portillos carpet installation · Mario Alberto Portillo 1417 Hanover St, Aurora, CO 800102022-09-09
Portillos carpet installation · Mario Alberto Portillo 1417 Hanover St, Aurora, CO 800102022-09-09

Location Information

Street Address 1417 Hanover St
City Aurora
State CO
Zip Code 80010
Country US

Businesses in the same location

Business NameAddressEffective Date
Portillo's Carpet Installation · Mario Alberto Portillo-Gonzalez 1417 Hanover St, Aurora, CO 800102018-08-12
Portillos carpet installation · Mario Alberto Portillo 1417 Hanover St, Aurora, CO 800102022-09-09
Portillos carpet installation · Mario Alberto Portillo 1417 Hanover St, Aurora, CO 800102022-09-09

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Similar Entities

Businesses with similar names

Business NameAddressEffective Date
First Day · Jonathan Portillo 80 Garden Center, Suite 48, Broomfield, CO 800202022-11-09
Portillo Stucco · Oscar Pineda portillo 2503 Hancock Expy Apt 94, Colorado Springs, CO 809102017-04-22
First Day · Jonathan Michael Portillo 12609 Zuni St. #304, Broomfield, CO2019-05-24
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P&R Concrete · Jessica Portillo 8635 County Road 102, Elbert, CO 801062012-07-02
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Improve Information

Do you have more infomration about Portillo's Carpet Installation? Please fill in the following form.

Dataset Information

This dataset includes about 400 thousand business trade names registered with the Business Division of Colorado Secretary of State (CDOS). A trade name, trading name, or business name, is a name that a business uses for trading commercial products or services. Each trade name is registered with teh trade name, registrant name and organization, address, mailing address, status, effective date, etc.

Subject Business and Economy
Jurisdiction State of Colorado
Data Provider Colorado Department of State (CDOS)
Source data.colorado.gov

Dataset Details

The Colorado Department of State (CDOS) is Colorado's central filing office for corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and business trusts. A trade name, trading name, or business name, is a name that a business uses for trading commercial products or services. A business may also use its registered, legal name for contracts and other formal purposes. A trade name is an assumed name used to identify the business or activities of an individual or organization. Sometimes a trade name is referred to as a doing business as, DBA, or assumed name.

A for-profit business not using the entity's true name or an individual not using their legal first and last name to conduct business in Colorado is required to file a trade name. The following is a list of persons required to file: Individual (e.g., sole proprietorship), Non-Reporting Entity (e.g., general partnership), Estate, Trust, State, or Other Jurisdiction, Reporting Entity (e.g., corporation or limited liability company), Domestic Limited Partnership, Dissolved or Delinquent Reporting Entity or a Converted Entity. Trade names are not distinguishable or unique, so more than one person can file the same trade name.

Each trade name is registered with trade name ID, trade name description, trade name form, effective date, first name, middle name, last name, suffix, registrant organization, street address, city, state, zip, country, mailing address, mailing city, mailing state, mailing zip, mailing country, date added, entity status, entity form date, etc.

The Colorado Information Marketplace (CIM) is the central online home for state open data, giving the public greater access to public data and increasing transparency in government operations. By opening up public data, Colorado is providing fuel for entrepreneurs, researchers, and citizens to build innovative solutions and create insights.