15506 Vanowen St, Los Angeles, 91406-7207
15506 Vanowen St, Los Angeles, 91406-7207 is a parcel created by Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor.
The Assessor Identification Number (AIN) is #2234005054.
The total assessed value is $2,341,558.
AIN | 2234005054 Assessor Identification/Parcel Number |
Property Location | 15506 VANOWEN ST LOS ANGELES CA 91406 |
House Number | 15506 |
Street Name | VANOWEN ST |
Tax Rate Area City | LOS ANGELES |
Tax Rate Area | 00016 |
Zip | 91406-7207 |
Property Type | Residential-Income |
Property Use Code | 0500 |
General Use Type | Residential |
Specific Use Type | Five or More Units or Apartments (Any Combination) |
Specific Use Detail | 4 Stories or Less |
Building Data Lines | 1 |
Year Built | 1989 |
Effective Year Built | 1989 |
Main Structure Area SQFT | 16320 |
Bedrooms | 39 |
Bathrooms | 39 |
Units | 20 |
Recording Date | 20040219 |
Administrative Region | 03 |
Cluster | 03407 |
Parcel Boundary Description | TR=1000 E 110 FT OF N 210 FT EX OF STS OF LOT 579 |
Assessment Roll
Property Location | 15506 VANOWEN ST LOS ANGELES CA 91406 |
Roll Year | 2021 |
Taxable Parcel | Y |
Land Value | $1,003,524 |
Land Base Year | 2003 |
Improvement Value | $1,338,034 |
Improvement Base Year | 2003 |
Total Land Improvement Value | $2,341,558 |
Total Value | $2,341,558 |
Total Exemption | $0 |
Net Taxable Value | $2,341,558 |
Property Assessment Roll History
Year | Total Value | Increase | Land Value | Improvement Value | Net Taxable Value |
2021 | $2,341,558 | 1.04% | $1,003,524 (2003) | $1,338,034 (2003) | $2,341,558 |
2020 | $2,317,550 | 2.00% | $993,235 (2003) | $1,324,315 (2003) | $2,317,550 |
2019 | $2,272,109 | 2.00% | $973,760 (2003) | $1,298,349 (2003) | $2,272,109 |
2018 | $2,227,559 | 2.00% | $954,667 (2003) | $1,272,892 (2003) | $2,227,559 |
2017 | $2,183,883 | 2.00% | $935,949 (2003) | $1,247,934 (2003) | $2,183,883 |
2016 | $2,141,063 | 1.52% | $917,598 (2003) | $1,223,465 (2003) | $2,141,063 |
2015 | $2,108,903 | 2.00% | $903,815 (2003) | $1,205,088 (2003) | $2,108,903 |
2014 | $2,067,593 | 0.45% | $886,111 (2003) | $1,181,482 (2003) | $2,067,593 |
2013 | $2,058,250 | 2.00% | $882,107 (2003) | $1,176,143 (2003) | $2,058,250 |
2012 | $2,017,893 | 2.00% | $864,811 (2003) | $1,153,082 (2003) | $2,017,893 |
2011 | $1,978,327 | 0.75% | $847,854 (2003) | $1,130,473 (2003) | $1,978,327 |
2010 | $1,963,543 | -0.24% | $841,518 (2003) | $1,122,025 (2003) | $1,963,543 |
2009 | $1,968,209 | 2.00% | $843,518 (2003) | $1,124,691 (2003) | $1,968,209 |
2008 | $1,929,618 | 2.00% | $826,979 (2003) | $1,102,639 (2003) | $1,929,618 |
2007 | $1,891,783 | 2.00% | $810,764 (2003) | $1,081,019 (2003) | $1,891,783 |
2006 | $1,854,690 | 0.00% | $794,867 (2003) | $1,059,823 (2003) | $1,854,690 |