La Catena Ardsley Ristorante LLC

871 Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, NY 10502


La Catena Ardsley Ristorante LLC (NYS Health Operation #748282) is a food service facility in inspected by inspected by New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH). The registered business location is at 871 Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, NY 10502. The food service type is Food Service Establishment - Food Service Establishment. The last inspection date is February 1, 2023.

Facility Overview

NYS Health Operation ID748282
NYSDOH Gazetteer592400
Permitted Operator NameXHAFER DELIJA
Address871 Saw Mill River Road
NY 10502
Local Health DepartmentWestchester County
Food Service DescriptionFood Service Establishment - Food Service Establishment
Permit Expiration Date2024-08-31

Last Inspection Results

Inspection Date2023-02-01
Inspection TypeInspection
Total Noncritical Violations2
ViolationsItem 12C- Plumbing and sinks not properly sized, installed, maintained; equipment and floors not properly drained; Item 15A- Floors, walls, ceilings, not smooth, properly constructed, in disrepair, dirty surfaces;
Inspection CommentsFollow up for case #PHP-5197-22-MK-AQHP-FSE, bare hand contact. Waiver issued at this time for a Fine of $250.

Inspection Results

Inspection DateInspection TypeViolations
2023-02-01InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 2, Violation Items: 12C; 15A
Follow up for case #PHP-5197-22-MK-AQHP-FSE, bare hand contact. Waiver issued at this time for a Fine of $250.
2023-01-05Re-InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 10, Violation Items: 10B; 11A; 11B; 11C; 12C; 12E; 15A
Re inspection for the corrections of the above violations on or after 1/31/2023. |Hearing date has been moved from the original date of 1/12/2023 at 9:30 am to the new date of 2/9/2023 at 9:30am|Follow up for case #PHP-5197-22-MK-AQHP-FSE. |Discussed the following:||-Extermination once a month, rid of extermination |- Getting large food prep sink to use to cool large soups and sauces and or ice wand |- Proper cooling methods for large soups and broth, ice bath, with continuously stirring/ice wand, or in containers 4 inch or less, under refrigeration, no covers until cooled |- elimination of bare hand contact, with gloves, utensils or other barriers |- Reheating of potentially hazardous food items |- convection oven at cook line r dry baked goods, not fully under vent hood|- soaking of salt fish to be done under refrigeration|- 2 sinks at cookline, on sink to be used for hand washing , one sink to be used for food prep, hand sink to be provided with soap and paper towels, both sinks indirectly wasted |- Coffee station refrigerator borderline 45F, operator to have serviced - operator to have serviced
2022-12-21Re-InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 17, Violation Items: 10A; 10B; 11A; 11B; 11C; 12C; 12E; 15A; 8A; 8E
Red item inspection only on red items found, re inspection for the above items on or after 1 /5/20222.|Follow up for case #PHP-5197-22-MK-AQHP-FSE. Re inspection for red violation on or after 12/21/2022. |Discussed the following:||-Extermination once a month, rid of extermination |- Getting large food prep sink to use to cool large soups and sauces and or ice wand |- Proper cooling methods for large soups and broth, ice bath, with continuously stirring/ice wand, or in containers 4 inch or less, under refrigeration, no covers until cooled |- elimination of bare hand contact, with gloves, utensils or other barriers |- Reheating of potentially hazardous food items |- convection oven at cook line r dry baked goods, not fully under vent hood|- soaking of salt fish to be done under refrigeration|- 2 sinks at cookline, on sink to be used for hand washing , one sink to be used for food prep, hand sink to be provided with soap and paper towels, both sinks indirectly wasted |- Coffee station refrigerator borderline 45F, operator to have serviced - operator to have serviced
2022-12-20InspectionCritical: 3, Noncritical: 18, Violation Items: 10A; 10B; 11A; 11B; 11C; 12C; 12E; 15A; 1H; 3C; 6A; 8A; 8E
Ticket issued for bare hand contact at this time for case #PHP-5197-22-MK-AQHP-FSE. Re inspection for red violation on or after 12/21/2022. |Discussed the following:|-Extermination once a month, rid of extermination |- Getting large food prep sink to use to cool large soups and sauces and or ice wand |- Proper cooling methods for large soups and broth, ice bath, with continuously stirring/ice wand, or in containers 4 inch or less, under refrigeration, no covers until cooled |- elimination of bare hand contact, with gloves, utensils or other barriers |- Reheating of potentially hazardous food items |- convection oven at cook line r dry baked goods, not fully under vent hood|- soaking of salt fish to be done under refrigeration|- 2 sinks at cookline, on sink to be used for hand washing , one sink to be used for food prep, hand sink to be provided with soap and paper towels, both sinks indirectly wasted |- Coffee station refrigerator borderline 45F, operator to have serviced |-New Allergy law: |The Westchester County Board of Legislators has enacted a “Food Allergy Restaurant Safety” Law that|became effective November 9, 2022.|The new law requires you to post signs in English and Spanish, (both in the front of your establishment so the|sign is visible to customers and in the back of your establishment, so it is visible to food handlers) which|provide food allergen information to patrons and staff. In addition, you are required to designate staff who will|be trained in an approved Allergen Training Program. If you provide seating for your customers, you must|always have at least one trained person in the kitchen and one trained person in the dining room during hours|of operation. If you are take out only, you must have a least one trained person in the kitchen during hours of|operation. The number of trained staff must also be entered in the space proved on the posted signs. The|Westchester County Health Department has designated the ServSafe Food Allergen class as
2021-05-07Re-InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 2, Violation Items: 14A; 15A
According to provided extermination service report, service provided on 2/10, 3/5 and 4/19/21 by Glen Environmental, discussed need for more service and also also closing gaps/holes in the ceiling which provides entrance for rodents into establishment. Also discussed keeping tags with shellfish while inside refrigeration unit and for 90 days afterwards
2021-04-14InspectionCritical: 2, Noncritical: 6, Violation Items: 10B; 14A; 14C; 15A; 1F; 1H; 8A; 8D
Discussed proper storage of shellfish with tags attached at at all times. Re-inspection on or about 4/21/21
2020-09-03InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 2, Violation Items: 12D; 12E
Paper hand towels not noted in employee's restroom dispenser.|Employee restroom door not noted as self closing||Reviewed FSE Covid 19 guidelines with FSE manager Ronnie.
2019-03-25InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 2, Violation Items: 12D; 8C
Ice scoops noted stored atop rear kitchen area ice machine and shelving unit.|Employee restroom hand wash sink inoperable, must be made operable with hot and cold running water , with hand soap and paper hand towels by sink
2018-05-03InspectionCritical: 2, Noncritical: 2, Violation Items: 11A; 11B; 2E; 7F
2017-10-03InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 2, Violation Items: 11A; 11D
2016-11-16InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 2, Violation Items: 11B; 15A
2016-01-26InspectionCritical: 1, Noncritical: 1, Violation Items: 15A; 1F
2015-01-07InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 1, Violation Items: 12D
2014-12-01Re-InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 1, Violation Items: 10B
2014-11-15InspectionCritical: 1, Noncritical: 2, Violation Items: 10B; 12E; 2C
2014-03-01InspectionCritical: 1 (1 not corrected), Noncritical: 1, Violation Items: 10B; 2C
2013-10-10InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 2, Violation Items: 10B; 12A
2013-01-23InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 4, Violation Items: 10A; 10B; 12D; 8C
2012-02-13InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 4, Violation Items: 10B; 11B; 12D; 15A
2011-10-25InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 3, Violation Items: 12D; 12E; 15B
2011-02-14InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 0, Violation Items:
2010-09-14InspectionCritical: 0, Noncritical: 2, Violation Items: ; 12D; 15A

Violation Code Descriptions

Violation ItemCritical ViolationViolation Description
1FCritical ViolationShellfish not from approved sources, improperly tagged/labeled, tags not retained 90 days.
1HCritical ViolationFood from unapproved source, spoiled, adulterated on premises.
2CCritical ViolationCooked or prepared foods are subject to cross-contamination from raw foods.
2ECritical ViolationAccurate thermometers not available or used to evaluate potentially hazardous food temperatures during cooking, cooling, reheating and holding.
3CCritical ViolationFood workers do not use proper utensils to eliminate bare hand contact with cooked or prepared foods.
6ACritical ViolationPotentially hazardous foods are not kept at or above 140°F during hot holding.
7FCritical ViolationPrecooked, refrigerated potentially hazardous food is not reheated to 165°F or above within two hours.
Not Critical Violation
10ANot Critical ViolationFood (ice) contact surfaces are improperly designed, constructed, installed, located (cracks, open seams, pitted surfaces, tin cans reused, uncleanable or corroded food contact surfaces)
10BNot Critical ViolationNon-food contact surfaces and equipment are improperly designed, constructed, installed, maintained (equipment not readily accessible for cleaning, surface not smooth finish)
11ANot Critical ViolationManual facilities inadequate, technique incorrect; mechanical facilities not operated in accordance with manufacturer's instructions
11BNot Critical ViolationWiping cloths dirty, not stored properly in sanitizing solutions
11CNot Critical ViolationFood contact surfaces not washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any time of operations when contamination may have occurred
11DNot Critical ViolationNon food contact surfaces of equipment not clean
12ANot Critical ViolationHot, cold running water not provided, pressure inadequate
12CNot Critical ViolationPlumbing and sinks not properly sized, installed, maintained; equipment and floors not properly drained
12DNot Critical ViolationToilet facilities inadequate, inconvenient, dirty, in disrepair, toilet paper missing, not self-closing doors, missing hand wash signs
12ENot Critical ViolationHandwashing facilities inaccessible, improperly located, dirty, in disrepair, improper fixtures, soap, and single service towels or hand drying devices missing
14ANot Critical ViolationInsects, rodents present
14CNot Critical ViolationPesticide application not supervised by a certified applicator
15ANot Critical ViolationFloors, walls, ceilings, not smooth, properly constructed, in disrepair, dirty surfaces
15BNot Critical ViolationLighting and ventilation inadequate, fixtures not shielded, dirty ventilation hoods, ductwork, filters, exhaust fans
8ANot Critical ViolationFood not protected during storage, preparation, display, transportation and service, from potential sources of contamination (e.g., food uncovered, mislabeled, stored on floor, missing or inadequate sneeze guards, food containers double stacked)
8CNot Critical ViolationImproper use and storage of clean, sanitized equipment and utensils
8DNot Critical ViolationSingle service items reused, improperly stored, dispensed, not used when required
8ENot Critical ViolationAccurate thermometers not available or used to evaluate refrigerated or heated storage temperatures

Location Information

Street Address 871 SAW MILL RIVER ROAD
Zip Code10502

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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes about 90k food service facilities inspected by New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH). In New York State, environmental health protection programs are carried out at the central, regional, district and county levels. Each service facility is registered with facility name, business address, inspection dates, violations, etc.

SubjectBusiness and Economy
JurisdictionState of New York
Data ProviderNew York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), Bureau of Community Environmental Health and Food Protection

Dataset Details

The New York State Department of Health's Bureau of Community Environmental Health and Food Protection works to protect the public health by assuring that food service establishments are operated in a manner that eliminates hazards through design and management, resulting in a decreased incidence of foodborne illness in our communities. The Bureau's Food Protection Program also coordinates foodborne outbreak investigations, analyzes the findings and uses this information to develop regulations and guidance designed to prevent similar outbreaks in the future. This data includes the name and location of food service establishments and the violations that were found at the time of their inspections. Violation details are collected on inspection reports (i.e., the actual food item, quantity and temperature of food found out of temperature control) as well as corrective actions for critical violations; this data set is limited to the violation number and the corresponding general violation description.

There are over 90,000 food service establishments in New York State. The Food Protection Program provides guidance and assistance to county and city health departments and State District Offices which in turn permit and inspect food service establishments, some institutional food services, temporary and mobile food service establishments and food and beverage vending machines. Each food service establishment is registered with facility name, business address, inspection dates, violations, etc.

To give New Yorkers the access they deserve to government data and information, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo launched the Open NY initiative in March 2013 and signed Executive Order 95. It directs state agencies to identify, catalog, and publish their data on the state's open data website administered by the Office of Information Technology Services (ITS). Open NY increases transparency, improves government performance, empowers New Yorkers to participate in government, and encourages research and economic opportunities statewide.