a business in Mather licensed by the Finance Department of the City of Sacramento.
The business account number is #1111355.
The business type is Computer - Consultant.
The registered business location is at 4372 Aubergine Way
CA 95655-3039, with contact phone number (510) 402-5349.
The current license status is Active. The busienss was started on January 1, 2024. The expiration date of the license is September 30, 2024.
Account Number | 1111355 |
Business Name | CONNEXMORE, LLC |
Owner Name | CONNEXMORE, LLC |
Location Address |
4372 Aubergine Way Mather CA 95655-3039 |
Mail Address |
4372 Mather CA 95655-3039 |
Telephone | (510) 402-5349 |
Business Description | Computer - Consultant |
Business Start Date | 2024-01-01 |
Current Expire Date | 2024-09-30 |
License Status | Active |
Street Address |
City | MATHER |
State | CA |
Zip Code | 95655-3039 |
Business Name | Business Description | Address | Business Start Date |
H & S Construction & Maintenan · Pacholski, Frank & Lila | Construction & Home Maintenanc | 4309 Middlebury Way, Mather, CA 95655 | 2008-04-01 |
Mario Ortega Jr Marketing Service | Advertising | 10859 Woodring Dr, Mather, CA 95655-3060 | 2020-01-01 |
Mather Aviation · Victor Cushing | Service - Repairs | 10360 Macready Ave, Mather, CA 95655-4109 | 2008-12-02 |
Ali Abdella · Abdella Ali | Residential Rental | 4347 Mc Roberts Dr, Mather, CA 95655 | 2009-05-06 |
Wbe Traffic Control Inc. Wbe Traffic Control Inc. | Contractors - Sub | 10359 Macready Ave, Mather, CA 95655-4109 | 2022-01-28 |
Cali Custom Coatings · Rob White | Painting - Commerical Building | 4459 Excelsior Rd, Mather, CA 95655-3020 | 2013-08-19 |
Heavy Metal Music Group · Eulises Cuervo | Record Label | 4417 Pittsfield Way, Mather, CA 95655-3069 | 2018-02-08 |
Eagle Eye Realty · Maurice Thomas | Real Estate Brokerage | 4316 Mustic Way, Mather, CA 95655-3033 | 2012-12-17 |
Construction Innovations | Manufacturing | 10630 Mather Blvd, Ste 200, Mather, CA 95655-4125 | 2013-04-01 |
Eva Flight Training Academy | Flight Training School | 3745 Whitehead St, Mather, CA 95655-4100 | 2013-06-18 |
Find all businesses in the same zip code |
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This dataset includes 60 thousand business entities registered Business Operation Tax (BOT) certificates with the City of Sacramento, Finance Department, Revenue Division. All businesses that operate in the City of Sacramento or do business with the City of Sacramento must have a Business Operation Tax certificate. A Business Operation Tax Certificate (BOT) is the equivalent of a business license in other jurisdictions. Each business is registered with account number, business name, owner name, location, mail address, certificate date and status, etc.