Kb & Bb, LLC Dba Hush Mart

4928 Turney Rd
Garfield Heights
OH 44125-2501


KB & BB, LLC is an entity in Garfield Heights, Ohio registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) of U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). The entity was registered on October 30, 2024 with Unique Entity ID (UEI) #XU4GT9CLMWJ5, activated on November 1, 2024, expiring on October 30, 2025, and the business was started on February 1, 2023. The registered business location is at 4928 Turney Rd
Garfield Heights
OH 44125-2501
. The current status is Expired. The entity structure is 2L - Corporate Entity (Not Tax Exempt) - . The business types are 2X - For Profit Organization, LJ - Limited Liability Company, OY - Black American Owned. The officers of the entity include Brandie V Bailey (MS.), Kevin Bailey (MR).

Entity Information

Unique Entity ID by SAM
Legal Name KB & BB, LLC
Company Division KB & BB, LLC DBA HUSH MART
Physical Address 4928 Turney Rd
Garfield Heights
OH 44125-2501
Mailing Address 6281 Harrow Ct
Bedford Hts
OH 44146
Congressional District 11
Entity Structure 2L - Corporate Entity (Not Tax Exempt) -
Incorporation State OH
Business Type 2X - For Profit Organization
LJ - Limited Liability Company
OY - Black American Owned
Registration Date October 30, 2024
Expiration Date October 30, 2025
Update Date November 4, 2024
Activation Date November 1, 2024
Business Start Date February 1, 2023
Fiscal Year End Date 1231
Record Status Expired
Registration Purpose Z1 - Federal Assistance Awards
Credit Card Usage N
Debt Subject to Offset N
EVS Source E&Y
Entity Validation Service

Points of Contacts (POC)

Electronic Business POC

Title MS.
Address 6281 Harrow Ct
Bedford Hts
OH 44146

Government Business POC

Title MS.
Address 6281 Harrow Ct
Bedford Hts
OH 44146

Past Performance POC

Title MR
Address 6281 Harrow Ct
Bedford Hts
OH 44146

Officer Information


TitleOfficer NameAddressPhone
MS.BRANDIE V BAILEY6281 Harrow Ct, Bedford Hts, OH 44146
MS.BRANDIE V BAILEY6281 Harrow Ct, Bedford Hts, OH 44146
MRKEVIN BAILEY6281 Harrow Ct, Bedford Hts, OH 44146

Location Information

Street Address 4928 TURNEY RD
State OH
Zip Code 44125-2501
Country USA

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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes almost one million business entities and government entities registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) of U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). Each entity applying for federal awards as a prime awardee needs a registration with SAM, which allows bidding on government contracts and applying for federal assistance. Each entity is registered with unique entity ID, legal name, dba name, company division, business address, point of contacts, business types, registration date, etc.

Subject Business and Economy
Jurisdiction Federal
Data Provider System for Award Management (SAM) of U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)

Dataset Details

The System for Award Management is an official website of the U.S. Government that is used to register to do business with the U.S. Government. An entity refers to as prime contractors, organizations or individuals applying for assistance awards, those receiving loans, sole proprietors, corporations, partnerships, and any U.S. federal government agencies desiring to do business with the government. Entity can also refer to a party that has been suspended or debarred, is covered by a prohibition or restriction, or is otherwise excluded from doing business with the government.

Contractors may be required to submit periodic reports on contracts that meet certain criteria. Two examples are Service Contract Reporting (SCR) and BioPreferred Reporting. Under SCR, contractors awarded cost-reimbursement, time-and-materials, and labor hour service contracts and orders at or above the simplified acquisition threshold must report information about the amount invoiced, labor hours expended, and subcontractor labor hours to help build a governmentwide service contract inventory. Under the BioPreferred program, contractors awarded service or construction contracts must report purchases of biobased products in the execution of those contracts.

This dataset includes the entity registration data publicly available under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for those registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) to do business with the Federal government. Each entity is registered with the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), legal name, dba name, company division, business address, point of contacts name and address, business types, registration date, etc.

Data.gov was launched in 2009 and is managed and hosted by the U.S. General Services. Under the Open Government Data Act, which is Title II of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act, government data is required to be made available in open, machine-readable formats, while continuing to ensure privacy and security.