Denherder Grier & Associates · Stacy Denherder

10085 Carroll Canyon Rd
Suite 220
San Diego
CA 92131-1100


DENHERDER GRIER & ASSOCIATES (owned by STACY DENHERDER) is a business in San Diego registered for tax certificate with the Office of the City Treasurer of the City of San Diego. The account number is #2024002704, and the account was created on March 5, 2024, with certificate effective on April 1, 2024 and expiring on March 31, 2025. The ownership type is Sole Proprietorship. The account status is Active. The registered business location is at 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd
Suite 220
San Diego
CA 92131-1100
. The business industry code is NAICS 5411 - LEGAL SERVICES.

Tax Certificate Information

Account Key 2024002704
Address 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd
Suite 220
San Diego
CA 92131-1100
Ownership Type Sole Proprietorship
Account Status Active
NAICS Sector 54
North American Industry Classification System
Account Creation Date 2024-03-05
Business Start Date 2000-04-01
Certificate Effective Date 2024-04-01
Certificate Expiration Date 2025-03-31

Property Assessment Information

APN 3633603600
Address 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd
San Diego
Assessed Total Value $4,230,882

Location Information

Street Address 10085 CARROLL CANYON RD
Suite 220
State CA
Zip Code 92131-1100

Businesses in the same location

Business NameAddressAccount Creation Date
Winston Amato Law Corporation 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 210, San Diego, CA 92131-11002018-01-09
Chiropractic Specialty Group · Miranda Chiropractic Corporation 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 200B, San Diego, CA 92131-11001996-01-02
Livesay Capital Solutions 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 230, San Diego, CA 92131-11002005-02-10
Auto Fraud Legal Center · Rosner Barry & Babbitt LLP 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92131-11002006-09-20
Weintraub Enterprises Lp 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92131-11382007-07-18
Weintraub Law Group PC 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 230, San Diego, CA 92131-11002005-05-27
Points Four World Travel Service · Alliance Staffing Associates 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92131-11001996-12-03
Rosner & Mansfield · Rosner Hallen D 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92131-11381997-02-04
Goldstone Wealth Advisors Inc 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 150, San Diego, CA 92131-11002023-05-04
Alliance Staffing Associates Inc 10085 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92131-11001995-07-26
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Businesses in nearby locations

Business NameAddressAccount Creation Date
John Polese and Associates · Polese John J 10111 Carroll Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 921311998-02-10
Mpe Consulting Inc 10109 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92131-11092015-06-29
Tru Window Industries Inc 10107 Carroll Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92131-11092012-05-08
High Rank Websites · Michael Perez 10080 Carroll Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92131-11102006-08-11
Hometeam Pest Defense Inc 10070 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92131-11082006-09-11
Local 20 LLC 10115 Carroll Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92131-11092019-08-29
Pacific Design & Integration Inc 10060 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92131-11972013-05-22
Quality Restoration · Marino Frankie 10060 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite 102, San Diego, CA 92131-11972002-04-19
Santier Inc 10103 Carroll Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92131-11092020-04-21
Plansee Thermal Management Solutions · Polese Company Inc 10113 Carroll Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92131-11091992-12-14

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Business NameAddressAccount Creation Date
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Health First Home Health Agency LLC 10537 Scripps Summit Ct, Suite 157, San Diego, CA 921312015-07-15
Scripps Hair & Skin Gallery LLC 9828 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite STE M, San Diego, CA 921312022-09-02
The Dog Biscuit Inn · Tina Ziegel 15720 Sycamore Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 921312015-01-16
Tile Liquidators LLC 9779 Businesspark Ave, Suite A, San Diego, CA 921312016-08-24
Subway 39778 · Virasub Corporation 15252 Mission Preserve Pl, San Diego, CA 921312016-11-17
Stemson Therapeutics LLC 19028 Hasbrook Rd, San Diego, CA 921312017-11-22
Benjamin A Kehrer & Jana Kehrer 11855 Candy Rose Way, Suite 210, San Diego, CA 921312015-02-03
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Similar Entities

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Business NameAddressAccount Creation Date
Deborah Grier 4165 Eastridge Dr, La Mesa, CA 91941-78272004-10-28
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Garish Vibe / The Next Big Thing · Kara J Grier 6105 Dorothy Dr, San Diego, CA 92115-24162005-07-22
Benjamin Grier & Chau Tugrier · Benjamin Grier Chau Tugrier 3635 Ash St, Suite 8, San Diego, CA 92105-59392008-06-04
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Stacy Franiak · Franak Stacy L 6780 Friars Rd, Suite 336, San Diego, CA 921111999-06-11
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Nancy Grier, Pa 552 Sevilla Drive, Saint Augustine, FL 32086Grier Nancy L2021-02-01
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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes over 400 thousands business tax certificates registered with the Office of the City Treasurer of the City of San Diego. Businesses that operate within San Diego must get a business tax certificate issued by the City Treasurer. Each business is registered with certificate account number, DBA name, owner name, business address, business phone number, account created date, certificate expiration date, etc.

Subject Economy and Community
Jurisdiction City of San Diego, State of California
Data Provider Office of the City Treasurer, City of San Diego

Dataset Details

Tax administration is one of the duties of the San Diego City Treasurer and is outlined in the City Charter, San Diego Municipal Code and California Government Code. The City of San Diego assesses a business tax on any business operating within the City of San Diego. All businesses operating in the City of San Diego are required to register for a Business Tax Certificate. The City of San Diego issues a Business Tax Certificate instead of a business license. Issuance of the Business Tax Certificate acknowledges payment of business taxes. Issuance of the certificate does not authorize the conduct of any illegal or unlawful business or any business activity for which a license or permit is required by state law, county ordinance or the San Diego Municipal Code, including but not limited to police, health, zoning, planning building or engineering permits, or state contractors licenses and the like. The issuance of a Business Tax Certificate shall not relieve an owner or operator from obtaining any licenses or permits that may be necessary under other provisions of law for employees or for operation of the business.

This dataset includes all active and inactive business tax certificates issued since 1990. The information for each business includes account key, account status (active or inactive), account creation date or certificate issue date, certificate expiration date, business owner name, ownership type (including Corp - Coporation,H-W - Married, LLC - Limited Liability Co (LLC), LP - Limited Partnership (LP), NO/PRF - Non-profit entity, Partnr-partnership, SCORP - S Corporation, Sole Propriethorship, Trust) business start date, Doing Business As name, NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) sector, code and description, business street address, council district.

The City of San Diego is committed to the principles of open, accessible, efficient, and transparent government, and the use of technology to help put those principles into practice. On December 17, 2013, the San Diego City Council approved San Diego Resolution R-308684 (Jan. 2, 2014) in support of creating an open data policy. This policy creates a process for making City data available online using open standards. The City recognizes that making data available online in this manner will promote civic engagement, improve service delivery, allow for more effective communication with the public, and increase opportunities for economic development.