Bechtel Us Services Inc (doing business as Bechtel Us Services Inc) is a business in San Francisco registered with the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector of San Francisco.
The business account number is #0475239, and the business location number is #0475239-01-001.
The registered business location is at 50 Beale St
San Francisco
CA 94105.
The business started on January 1, 2013. The locatation started on January 1, 2013.
Location ID | 0475239-01-001 |
Business Account Number | 0475239 |
DBA Name | Bechtel Us Services Inc |
Ownership Name | Bechtel Us Services Inc |
Address |
50 Beale St San Francisco CA 94105 |
Mail Address |
0000 Undeliverable Mail San Francisco CA |
Business Start Date | 2013-01-01 |
Location Start Date | 2013-01-01 |
Parking Tax | false |
Transient Occupancy Tax | false |
Supervisor District | 6 |
Neighborhoods Analysis Boundaries | Financial District/South Beach |
Find Neighborhoods | 108 |
Police Districts | 6 |
Supervisor Districts | 10 |
Analysis Neighborhoods | 8 |
Neighborhoods | 108 |
Parcel Number | 3710018 |
Address |
50 Beale St San Francisco 94105-1813 |
Neighborhood | Financial District South |
Assessed Value | $319,047,917 |
Property Area | 730136 |
Year Built | 1967 |
Ownership Name | DBA Name | Address | Mail Address | Business Type | Location Date |
Bechtel Us Services Inc | Bechtel Us Services Inc | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 0000 Undeliverable Mail, San Francisco, CA | 2013-01-01~ | |
Bechtel Us Services Inc | Bechtel Us Services Inc | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105-1813 | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2013-01-01 |
Street Address |
50 Beale St |
City | San Francisco |
State | CA |
Zip Code | 94105 |
Business Name | Address | Location Start Date |
Skyline Steel Erectors, Inc. | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2019-06-24 |
Abm Industry Groups, LLC / Dba - Abm Parking Services | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2019-01-01 |
Earthbar - Beale · Earthbar LLC | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2019-11-19 |
Bechtel Communications Inc · Bechtel Infrastructure And Power Corp | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2007-01-02 |
Abm Parking Services · Abm Onsite Services-West Inc | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 95605 | 2014-01-01 |
Sausalito Espresso · Qura Johnny E | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2007-02-01 |
Sf City Option · San Francisco Community Health Authority | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2007-07-01 |
Bechtel Oil Gas And Chemicals · Bechtel Energy Inc | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2007-01-02 |
Bechtel Sys&Infrastructure Inc | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2009-06-22 |
Abm Engineering Services Company · Abm Industries Inc | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2014-01-01 |
Find all businesses in the same location |
Business Name | Address | Location Start Date |
Fitbit, Inc. · Fitbit LLC | 45 Fremont St. St Fl 31, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2015-11-20 |
Slack Technologies Inc · Salesforce Inc | 45 Fremont St Fl 31st, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 1999-03-01 |
Birst Inc | 45 Fremont St Floor 18, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2014-10-27 |
Bon Appetit Management Co | 45 Fremont St Fl 8, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2023-11-15 |
Glu Games Inc | 45 Fremont St 2800, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2010-12-03 |
Ca Costal Commission Marine Ed · Tides Center | 45 Fremont St Ste 2000, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2001-10-03 |
Wells Fargo Ins Srvs Usa Inc | 45 Fremont St Ste 800, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2010-01-01 |
Gensler & Marjang | 45 Fremont St Ste 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2020-09-25 |
Myriant · Ipg Dxtra Inc | 45 Fremont St, San Francisco, CA 94104 | 2023-01-01 |
Kpff Consulting Engineers · Kpff, Inc. | 45 Fremont St Fl 28th, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2015-03-01 |
Business Name | Address | Location Start Date |
Malcolm Silverado A Joint Venture | 92 Natoma St Ste 400, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2024-10-28 |
Crop Top Jocks LLC | 18 Lansing St Apt 101, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2024-11-18 |
Bask Body · Days Active LLC | 400 Beale St Apt 907, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2024-10-18 |
Antormen Inc | 333 Fremont St Apt 702, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2024-10-28 |
Landing Property Owner LLC | 123 Mission St Ste 700, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2024-10-31 |
Wolfgangpuck@ The Cove 525 Market · Compass Group Usa Inc | 525 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2024-10-04 |
One Plus Mind Design · Mahdieh Sadrzadeh And Mojgan Sadrzadeh | 301 Main St Unit 31g, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2024-10-15 |
Safelink Wireless | 8 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2024-10-18 |
Lumina Owners Association And First Services · Nica Construction Inc | 338 Main St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2024-10-30 |
Hosie Rice Llp | 149 New Montgomery St Fl 4, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2024-10-02 |
Find all businesses in the same zip code |
Business Name | Address | Location Start Date |
Bechtel Software Inc | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 1989-01-01 |
Bechtel Sys&Infrastructure Inc | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2009-06-22 |
Bechtel Equipment Ops Inc | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 1987-01-01 |
Bechtel Oil Gas And Chemicals · Bechtel Energy Inc | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 2007-01-02 |
Bechtel Power Corp | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 1973-01-01 |
Bechtel Corp | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 1981-01-01 |
Reinvintage San Francisco · Bechtel Teresa M | 827 Cortland Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110 | 2009-08-18 |
Bechtel Group, Inc. · Bechtel Group Inc | 5323 N 99th Ave, Glendale, AZ 85305 | 2022-01-01 |
Bechtel Advertising · Bechtel Corp | 50 Beale St #5-C101, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 1997-09-29 |
Bechtel Financing Services LLC | 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA 94105 | 1999-02-08 |
Business Name | Address | Registered Agent Name | Corporate File Date |
Dorotheria L. Bechtel P.A. | 241 Hidden View Drive, Groveland, FL 34736 | Bechtel Dortheria L | 2001-04-17 |
Bechtel, Inc. | C/O Bechtel Corporation, P.O. Box 3965, San Francisco California, 94119 | C T Corporation System | 1969-12-31 |
Bechtel Corporation | 50 Beale St., San Francisco California, 94105 | C T Corporation System | 1955-03-15 |
Bechtel Consulting, LLC | 13513 Prestige Place, Ste 101, Tampa, FL 33635 | Millian Richard Cesq | 2013-11-22 |
Bechtel Designs LLC | 3806 N. 29th, Hollywood, FL 33020 | Bechtel Jeffery Sr | 2018-11-16 |
R.E.Bechtel, LLC | 2601 4th Avenue N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33713 | Bechtel Robert E | 2011-11-15 |
Bechtel Energy Partners Ltd. | 5555 San Felipe, Suite 600, Houston, TX 77056 | C T Corporation System | 1988-07-22 |
The Bechtel Group, LLC | 1101 Oak Pond Dr, Celebration, FL 34747 | Henderson Sachs, P.A. | 2011-05-04 |
Bechtel Tractor Inc. | 3360 34th Avenue S E, Naples, FL 34117 | Bechtel Ralph | 2020-09-30 |
Bechtel Manufacturing & Technology, Inc. | 12011 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 110, Reston, VA 20190 | United Agent Group Inc. | 2022-10-10 |
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This dataset includes over 200 thousands businesses registered with the San Francisco Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector. San Francisco's Business and Tax Regulations Code requires that every person engaging in business within the City must register within 15 days after commencing business. Each business is registered with location account number, legal business name, doing business as (DBA) name, location, mailing address, industry code, business start date, location start date, etc.
Subject | Economy and Community |
Jurisdiction | City and County ofof San Francisco, State of California |
Data Provider | San Francisco Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector |
Source | |
San Francisco's Business and Tax Regulations Code generally requires that every person engaging in business within the City, regardless of whether the business or person is subject to taxation, must register within 15 days after commencing business within the City. The Business Registration Certificate must be conspicuously displayed at the place of business and renewed annually by May 31st. A new business registration needs the following information: Business/Ownership Name, DBA Name, Business Start Date, Location Start Date, Mailing Address, Location Address, Business Account Number, Business Activity Code / NAICS code, License code, Third party tax collection, etc. The business actitivity professions include Arts, Entertainment and Recreation, Construction Contractor, Finance and Insurance, Food Establishments and Sales, Health Care and Social Assistance, Internet Service Providers, Web Search Portals and Data Processing Services, Manufacturing, Radio, Television, Cable, Multimedia, Motion Picture and Sound Recording, Real Estate & Rental & Leasing, Services, Telecommunications and Utilities, Transportation and Warehousing. This dataset includes current and previously registered businesses and trades. The registered information for each business includes location account number, legal business name, doing business as (DBA) name, business address, mailing address, industry code, business start date and end date, etc. The City of San Francisco has a dedicated site of Open Data Portal offering direct access to live and continuously updated data, driving innovation and improve the quality of City services. Open data publishing provides access to a governed, shared platform for the easy sharing of data. During the publishing process, departments gain access to a suite of services: data transformations, automation services, and handling of sensitive or protected data. The Open Data Portal is the City's repository for data, created to support the free flow of information and contribute to the democratic process through nonconventional forms of community engagement such as data-sharing. |