Rikbull (doing business as Glen Park Hardware Dba Rikbull) is a business in San Francisco registered with the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector of San Francisco.
The business account number is #1155203, and the business location number is #1352978-02-241.
The registered business location is at 685 Chenery St
San Francisco
CA 94131.
The business started on February 9, 2024. The locatation started on February 9, 2024. The business industry code is 4400-4599:.
Location ID | 1352978-02-241 |
Business Account Number | 1155203 |
DBA Name | Glen Park Hardware Dba Rikbull |
Ownership Name | Rikbull |
Address |
685 Chenery St San Francisco CA 94131 |
Mail Address |
1414 San Carlos Ave Ste 102 San Carlos CA 94070 |
Business Start Date | 2024-02-09 |
Location Start Date | 2024-02-09 |
4400-4599: Retail Trade North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) |
Parking Tax | false |
Transient Occupancy Tax | false |
Supervisor District | 8 |
Neighborhoods Analysis Boundaries | Glen Park |
Find Neighborhoods | 96 |
Police Districts | 9 |
Supervisor Districts | 5 |
Analysis Neighborhoods | 10 |
Neighborhoods | 96 |
Parcel Number | 6742012 |
Address |
685 Chenery St San Francisco 94131-3033 |
Neighborhood | Glen Park |
Assessed Value | $116,135 |
Property Area | 2360 |
Year Built | 1900 |
Street Address |
685 Chenery St |
City | San Francisco |
State | CA |
Zip Code | 94131 |
Business Name | Address | Location Start Date |
685 Chenery Building · Gelinas Bernard J & Harriet L | 685 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 1977-01-01 |
Glen Park Hardware · Letterman Holding Company, LLC. | 685 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2016-12-09 |
Glen Park Hardware · Tauber Harold L & Susan W | 685 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 1978-08-15 |
Glen Park Hardware · Rikbull LLC | 685 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-02-11 |
Business Name | Address | Location Start Date |
Dignity Healthmedical Group - Saint Francis/ St Mary's, A Service Of Dignity Health Medical Foundati | 2895 Diamond St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2016-09-26 |
Tilston Residence · Tilston Lauren Denise | 590 Bosworth St Unit A, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2016-01-24 |
Glen Park Bart Station Parking Lot · San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District | 584 Bosworth St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2022-06-01 |
Bello Coffee LLC | 2885 Diamond St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2017-01-01 |
Dignity-Gohealth Urgent Care Management, LLC. | 2895 Diamond St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2016-09-26 |
Glen Park Dental · Drs Longa & Dickerson A Prof C | 590 Bosworth St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2009-09-16 |
2885-2895 Diamond Street · Jessie Harjani | 2885 -289 Diamond St #, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 1999-02-01 |
Foundation Physicians Medical Group, Inc. | 2895 Diamond St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2016-09-26 |
Native Plant & Juice Co | 2860 Diamond St Diamond St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2021-10-22 |
Rice And Detienne Designs · Rice And De Tienne Designs LLC | 53 Wilder Street 407, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2008-02-26 |
Business Name | Address | Location Start Date |
Chertok Consulting Services · Michael Chertok | 19 Mizpah St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-11-11 |
Sf Interior&Exterior Construction Services LLC | 5150 Diamond Heights Blvd # Aptb30, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-11-25 |
Intncity | 39 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-10-15 |
Queer House LLC | 455 Warren Dr Apt 4, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-10-30 |
1582sanchez | 1582 Sanchez St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-11-01 |
Nicole Stjernsward | 406 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-11-25 |
Lustre Studio · Felicia Ramirez | 23 Cityview Way, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-10-31 |
Lauren Glasgow Lmft | 475 Warren Dr Apt 5, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-10-28 |
Happy Teachers | 3535 Market St Apt 3535, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-10-11 |
Caitlin O'donnell, Psyd, Psychotherapy Inc. | 5214 F Diamond Heights Blvd Unit 345, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2024-10-13 |
Find all businesses in the same zip code |
Business Name | Address | Location Start Date |
Glen Park Nails · Tuyen Van | 74 Wilder St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2022-01-01 |
Glen Park Station · T J & R Pub Inc | 2816 Diamond St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 1990-05-20 |
Glen Park House · Kenyon Glenn | 858 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2015-07-01 |
Glen Canyon Park Recreation Center · Ccsf Recreational Park Dept. | 70 Elk St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2018-07-19 |
Glen Park Station LLC | 2816 Diamond St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2021-09-28 |
Glen Park Charmer · Wickersheim Micah | 864 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2016-03-02 |
Glen Park Roofing Co Inc | 1601 Donner Ave 1, San Francisco, CA 94124 | 1968-10-01 |
Glen Park Development LLC · Streeter Cristian | 526 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2013-10-01 |
Glen Park Development LLC | 526 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2015-08-05 |
Glen Park Hardware · Letterman Holding Company, LLC. | 685 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131 | 2016-12-09 |
Business Name | Address | Registered Agent Name | Corporate File Date |
Oak Park Home & Hardware, Inc. | 1730 S. Federal Hwy #334, Delray Beach, 33483 | Evans Arthur H | 2022-01-27 |
Glen Park LLC. | 134 W 10 St, Hialeah, FL 33010 | Fabian Mario | 2015-10-19 |
Pine Glen At Abbey Park I Homeowners' Association, Inc. | C/O Davenport Property Mgmt, 6620 Lake Worth Rd., Lake Worth, FL 33467 | South Florida Law, Pplc | 1991-01-14 |
Glen Julia Park Association, Inc. | 2451 Glen Julia Road, Quincy, FL 32352 | Cullifer Edward M | 1996-01-08 |
Glen Haven Memorial Park, Inc. | 2300 Temple Dr, Winter Park, FL 32789 | Ct Corporation System | 1969-05-26 |
Oak Park Home & Hardware, Inc. | 1730 S Federal Hwy #334, Delray Beach, FL 33483 | 2018-01-26 | |
College Park Hardware, Inc. | 10575 S.W. 109 Court, Miami, FL 33176-3308 | Servando, Valdes | 1988-03-24 |
Hagan Ace Hardware of Orange Park, Inc. | 529 Kingsley Avenue, Orange Park, FL 32073 | Hagan Donald W | 1972-11-17 |
Glen Park Estates, Inc. | 11330 Nw 45th St., Coral Springs, FL 33065 | Rowe Jonathan M | 1988-10-03 |
Spring Glen Office Park, LLC | 3107-3119 Spring Glen Road, Jacksonville, FL 32207 | The George Management Company, LLC | 2016-02-02 |
Do you have more infomration about Glen Park Hardware Dba Rikbull? Please fill in the following form.
This dataset includes over 200 thousands businesses registered with the San Francisco Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector. San Francisco's Business and Tax Regulations Code requires that every person engaging in business within the City must register within 15 days after commencing business. Each business is registered with location account number, legal business name, doing business as (DBA) name, location, mailing address, industry code, business start date, location start date, etc.
Subject | Economy and Community |
Jurisdiction | City and County ofof San Francisco, State of California |
Data Provider | San Francisco Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector |
Source | data.sfgov.org |
San Francisco's Business and Tax Regulations Code generally requires that every person engaging in business within the City, regardless of whether the business or person is subject to taxation, must register within 15 days after commencing business within the City. The Business Registration Certificate must be conspicuously displayed at the place of business and renewed annually by May 31st. A new business registration needs the following information: Business/Ownership Name, DBA Name, Business Start Date, Location Start Date, Mailing Address, Location Address, Business Account Number, Business Activity Code / NAICS code, License code, Third party tax collection, etc. The business actitivity professions include Arts, Entertainment and Recreation, Construction Contractor, Finance and Insurance, Food Establishments and Sales, Health Care and Social Assistance, Internet Service Providers, Web Search Portals and Data Processing Services, Manufacturing, Radio, Television, Cable, Multimedia, Motion Picture and Sound Recording, Real Estate & Rental & Leasing, Services, Telecommunications and Utilities, Transportation and Warehousing. This dataset includes current and previously registered businesses and trades. The registered information for each business includes location account number, legal business name, doing business as (DBA) name, business address, mailing address, industry code, business start date and end date, etc. The City of San Francisco has a dedicated site of Open Data Portal offering direct access to live and continuously updated data, driving innovation and improve the quality of City services. Open data publishing provides access to a governed, shared platform for the easy sharing of data. During the publishing process, departments gain access to a suite of services: data transformations, automation services, and handling of sensitive or protected data. The Open Data Portal is the City's repository for data, created to support the free flow of information and contribute to the democratic process through nonconventional forms of community engagement such as data-sharing. |