Chloe's Carts LLC

154 W Cotter Ave
Port Aransas
TX 78373-4030


CHLOE'S CARTS LLC (Taxpayer #32088140929) is a business in Port Aransas, Texas registered with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. The registered business location is at Po Box 1053, Port Aransas, TX 78373-1053, in the county of Nueces. The outlet business name is CHLOE'S CARTS LLC, and the registered location is 154 W Cotter Ave, Port Aransas, TX 78373-4030, in the county of Nueces. The permit start date is on March 4, 2023. The business is a sales tax permit holder and franchise tax permit holder.

Taxpayer Information

Taxpayer Number 32088140929
Taxpayer Address Po Box 1053
Port Aransas
TX 78373-1053
Taxpayer County Nueces
Outlet Number 1
Outlet Address 154 W Cotter Ave
Port Aransas
TX 78373-4030
Outlet County Nueces
NAICS 532120
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Permit Date 2023-03-04

Permitted Sales Tax Locations & Local Sales Tax Responsibility

Taxpayer Number 32088140929
Taxpayer Address Po Box 1053
Port Aransas
TX 78373-1053
Taxpayer County Nueces
Outlet Number 1
Outlet Address 154 W Cotter Ave
Port Aransas
TX 78373-4030
Outlet Postal City PORT ARANSAS
Outlet County Nueces
Outlet Permit Issue Date 2023-03-04
Outlet First Sales Date 2023-03-09
Outlet NAICS 532120
Outlet Inside Outside City Limits Y
City Tax Authority ID 2178024
Mass Transit Authority ID 3178998

Franchise Tax Permit Holder

Taxpayer Address 136 W Cotter Ave
Port Aransas
TX 78373
Taxpayer County Nueces
Record Type U - Secretary of State (SOS) File Number
Responsibility Beginning Date 2023-01-27
SOS COA File Number 0804900627
SOS Charter Date 2023-01-27
SOS Status A - Active
SOS Status Date 2023-01-27
Right to Transact Business A - Active

Location Information

Street Address 154 W COTTER AVE
State TX
Zip Code 78373-4030

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Similar Entities

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Improve Information

Do you have more infomration about Chloe's Carts LLC? Please fill in the following form.

Dataset Information

This dataset includes about four million taxpayers, including sales tax and franchise tax permit holders, registered with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. The Texas Comptroller's office serves the state by collecting more than 60 separate taxes, fees and assessments, including local sales taxes collected on behalf of more than 1,400 cities, counties and other local governments around the state. Each business is registered with taxpayer number, business name, outlet name, outlet address, mailing address, permit issue date, first sales date, etc.

Subject Business and Economy
Jurisdiction State of Texas
Data Provider Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Dataset Details

The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is an executive branch position created by the Texas Constitution. The primary duty of the comptroller's office is to collect substantially all tax revenue owed to the State of Texas. Texas imposes a 6.25 percent state sales and use tax on all retail sales, leases and rentals of most goods, as well as taxable services. Local taxing jurisdictions (cities, counties, special purpose districts and transit authorities) can also impose up to 2 percent sales and use tax for a maximum combined rate of 8.25 percent. The Texas franchise tax is a privilege tax imposed on each taxable entity formed or organized in Texas or doing business in Texas.

This dataset includes all current taxpayers registered with the Texas Comptroller's office, including sales tax permit holders and locations, franchise tax permit holders, cigarette and tobacco retailer, non-retailer and manufacturer permit holders, tax-exempt entities, international fuel tax agreement taxpayers, direct pay permit holders, maquiladora-export permit holders, agriculture and timber exemptoin registrations, coin-operated amusement machine taxpayers, interstate truckers, as well as taxpayer returns and beverage gross receipts. The information for each taxpayer includes taxpayer number, business name, outlet name, outlet address, mailing address, permit issue date, first sales date, etc.

The Texas Open Data Portal is the official State of Texas repository for publicly accessible open data published by state agencies and institutions of higher education. As a public resource, open data offers economic, performance, and social value. It offers private business a way to better understand potential markets and integrate government data into new, more innovative products and services, increases government transparency and accountability to its citizens, and improves the quality and efficiency of government services by allowing citizens and policy makers to make more informed data-driven decisions.