Katherine Glyn Marsh

Pharmacist License


Katherine Glyn Marsh is a health care provider licensed by State of Washington, Department of Health. The credential number is #PH60680435. The credential type is Pharmacist License.

Credential Information

Credential NumberPH60680435
Full NameKatherine Glyn Marsh
Last NameMarsh
First NameKatherine
Middle NameGlyn
Credential TypePharmacist License
A credential status indicating a healthcare professional did not renew his or her license on or before the expiration date. While expired, the healthcare professional cannot practice. Expired status can also indicate when a healthcare professional cannot practice because he or she no longer has an appropriate supervisor. The healthcare professional can resume practice when another supervisor accepts responsibility. This is not the result of an enforcement action. Expired status can also indicate when a profession changes its credential type.
Birth Year1970
CE Due Date2019-02-19
Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Competency Requirements Due
First Issue Date2016-09-02
Last Issue Date2018-02-16
Expiration Date2019-02-19
Action TakenNo
Enforcement actions are formal or informal actions a disciplinary authority can take to limit or restrict a healthcare professional in practice or to impose conditions for practice.

Location Information

Street Address

Providers in all locations

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Karen Danyelle Calderon Surgical Technologist Registration2021-12-292022-11-17
Olivia Marie Bray Nursing Assistant Registration2021-12-292023-03-18
Derek M Williams Dental Assistant Registration2021-12-292023-03-14
Paradise-Jaseya Rosemary Wiggins Pharmacy Technician Certification2021-12-292023-01-18
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James Jerome Weber Physician And Surgeon License2021-12-292023-03-24
Allison Nichole Schuldt Medical Assistant Interim Certification2021-12-292022-12-29

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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 2 million health care providers registered with Washington State Department of Health. Health care professionals are licensed by the Washington State Department of Health as a service to the public. Each provider is registered with credential number, credential type, full name, issue location, etc.