Geneveve Dinamling Santillan

Physical Therapist License


Geneveve Dinamling Santillan is a health care provider licensed by State of Washington, Department of Health. The credential number is #PT60588049. The credential type is Physical Therapist License.

Credential Information

Credential NumberPT60588049
Full NameGeneveve Dinamling Santillan
Last NameSantillan
First NameGeneveve
Middle NameDinamling
Credential TypePhysical Therapist License
A credential status for a healthcare professional application that remains deficient of required documentation or fees for 60 to 335 days depending on the specific credential type as determined by the profession.
Birth Year1977
CE Due Date
Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Competency Requirements Due
Action TakenNo
Enforcement actions are formal or informal actions a disciplinary authority can take to limit or restrict a healthcare professional in practice or to impose conditions for practice.

Location Information

Street Address

Providers in all locations

Provider NameCredential TypeFirst Issue DateExpiration Date
Alexa Michelle Schmidt Animal Massage Certification for Large Animals2021-12-292022-07-10
Ashlee Nicole Reaves Counselor Agency Affiliated Registration2021-12-292022-09-24
Mallory Erin Murphy Registered Nurse License2022-01-272017-10-24
Emily Grace Thompson Nursing Assistant Certification2021-12-292023-03-20
Olivia Marie Bray Nursing Assistant Registration2021-12-292023-03-18
Jake Edward Enslin Speech Language Pathologist License2021-12-292023-02-27
Derek M Williams Dental Assistant Registration2021-12-292023-03-14
Kimberly Rae Owens Respiratory Care Practitioner License2021-12-292022-11-24
Kelsie Neill Veterinary Medication Clerk Registration2021-12-292023-02-24
Victoria Simeon Registered Nurse Temporary Practice Permit2021-12-292022-06-29

Similar Entities

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Provider NameCredential TypeFirst Issue DateExpiration Date
Roxsand L Santillan Nursing Assistant Certification2002-09-132004-02-16
Geneveve Carol Anderton Nursing Assistant Certification2018-03-202019-06-04
Juan C Santillan Nursing Assistant Registration2004-05-122005-03-08
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Maria G Santillan Mental Health Counselor Associate License
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Lorena Santillan Medical Assistant Registration2017-08-182022-07-04

Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 2 million health care providers registered with Washington State Department of Health. Health care professionals are licensed by the Washington State Department of Health as a service to the public. Each provider is registered with credential number, credential type, full name, issue location, etc.