Rhode Island Professional and Commercial Licenses


This dataset includes over 30 thousand licenses issued by Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation (DBR), which regulates and licenses designated businesses, professions, occupations, and other specified activities. Each Licensee is registered with license type, license number, licensee name, business name, office location, license issue date, etc.

Dataset Information

Subject Business and Economy
Jurisdiction State of Rhode Island
Data Provider Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation (DBR)
Source ri.gov
Related Datasets Rhode Island Business Registrations

Dataset Details

The Department of Business Regulation (DBR) implements state laws mandating the regulation and licensing of designated businesses, professions, occupations, and other specified activities. The areas regulated include Banking, Securities, Commercial Licensing, Office of Cannabis Regulation, Gaming and Athletics, Insurance, Accountants and the Division of Building, Design and Fire Professionals. The Department has the following Divisions: Insurance, Banking, Securities and Commercial Licensing, the Office of Cannabis Regulation, State Board of Accountancy, the State Building Commissioner, State Fire Marshal, the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, Board of Registration for Professional Land Surveyors, Board of Examination and Registration of Architects, the Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects and the Contractors' Registration and Licensing Board which have been consolidated within the Division of Building, Design and Fire Professionals.

This dataset includes all licenses and credentials recorded in the eLicensing system. The information for each licensee includes license number, licensee name, business name, issued date, expiration date, office address, etc.

The Rhode Island State Data Plan is a framework for the state's executive branch agencies to engage in a consistent approach to data stewardship, use, and access. It is beyond just an open data plan, applicable to all data in the custody and control of executive branch agencies, developed in accordance with Section 4-67p of the Rhode Island General Statutes. The mission of the Rhode Island State Data Plan is to connect the people and processes involved with data to promote communication between, and appropriate integration of, formerly siloed data, teams, and systems. The Plan was created to ensure that data are treated as State assets and managed consistently and appropriately across state government. The Chief Data Officer (CDO) position was established in 2018 in accordance with Section 4-67p of the Rhode Island General Statutes. The CDO takes a leading role in operating the state's Open Data Portal.


The most popular license types are Real Estate Salesperson (19.54%), Professional Engineer (16.54%), Charitable Organization (13.15%), Manufacturer (11.59%), Real Estate Broker (5.94%), Architect (5.12%), and Certified Public Accountant (5.04%). While many of licensees are located in the state of Rhode Island (35.23%), the majority of licensees are out of state. A significant number of licensees have offices in Massachusetts (16.09%), Connecticut (3.98%), New York (3.94%), California (2.56%), Pennsylvania (2.03%), and Florida (2.01%). The most popular cities of all licensees are Providence (5.65%), Warwick (4.14%), Cranston (3.08%), Boston (2.16%), New York (1.97%), Washington (1.82%), and East Greenwich (1.65%). The total number of licencees have a noticeable increase in recent years. In 2019 and 2020, the number of licensees decreased slightly comparing with 2018 due to the pandemic. In 2021, the number grows significantly higher than the pre-pandemic years. We expect to see more individuals and facilities being licensed in the upcoming years.

Licensees by Type

Licensees by State

Licensees by State

Rhode Island1224535.23%
New York13693.94%
District of Columbia6281.81%
New Jersey5351.54%

Licensees by City

Licensees by City

New York6861.97%
East Greenwich5731.65%

Licensees by Zip

Licensees by Year

Licensees by Year


Search Result

Licensee NameLicense TypeAddressIssuance Date
The McIntosh Group, LLC ARC Certificate of Authorization1850 S Boulder Ave, Tulsa, OK 741192022-12-02
Ultramoderne Architecture, Inc. ARC Certificate of Authorization4760 Harrow Court, Santa Rosa, CA 954052022-12-02
Adam Lasota Architect1355 E Susquehanna Ave, Apt B, Philadelphia, PA 191252022-12-02
David Lunny Architect111 Glen Road, Portsmouth, RI 028712022-12-01
Robert Steven McConnell Architect223 Yale Avenue North, Seattle, WA 981092022-12-01
Thomas Schultz Architect50 Commandants Way, Chelsea, MA 021502022-12-01
Robinson Deabler Architects ARC Certificate of Authorization535 Albany St, #405, Boston, MA 021182022-11-29
Erica Patten ArchitectSLAM Collaborative, One Davol Square, Suite 200, Providence, RI 029032022-11-29
Scott Heywood Architect2816 6th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 352332022-11-16
Zebra Architecture, PLLC ARC Certificate of Authorization14614 N Kierland Blvd, N300, Scottsdale, AZ 852542022-11-15
Steven Dwight Pratt Architect3801 Kirby Drive, Suite 600, Houston, TX 770982022-11-15
Paul D Folger Architect345 Riverview, Suite 200, Wichita, KS 672032022-11-14
Hailey Beyer Architect130 Cypress St., #R3, Providence, RI 029062022-11-09
Noah Tolson Architect1 West Elm Street, Suite 500, Conshohocken, PA 194282022-11-07
Good Harbor Techmark, LLC ARC Certificate of Authorization17 Accord Park Drive Suite 201, Norwell, MA 020612022-11-04
Sara LaPorte Architect PLLC ARC Certificate of Authorization40 Mechanic Street, Wakefield, RI 028792022-11-02
Cathleen Guthery Architect5801 N Broadway Ext, Suite 500, Oklahoma City, OK 731182022-11-02
Brook K Sherrard ArchitectWest Fulton Street, Sanford, FL 327712022-11-01
Hart Design Group ARC Certificate of Authorization800 Scenic View Drive, Cumberland, RI 028062022-10-31
Guilford A. Rand Architect1991 S. State St, Springville, UT 846632022-10-28
Gregory J O'Connor Associates, Inc. ARC Certificate of Authorization339 Main Street, Suite 505, Worcester, MA 016082022-10-27
Rough Sketch, LLC ARC Certificate of Authorization70 Phillips Street, Watertown, MA 024722022-10-27
Vincent Falotico Architecture, P.C. ARC Certificate of Authorization199 Elm Street, New Canaan, CT 068402022-10-27
Ong Yen Ong ARC Certificate of Authorization1217 Main Street, Suite 500, Dallas, TX 752022022-10-24
Andrew Ciarniello Architect150 West 28th Street, Suite 501, New York, NY 100012022-10-24
Keith Edward Olsen Architect7 N Shore Dr, Ridgefield, CT 068772022-10-24
Christopher Wilson Architect555 Capitol Mall, Suite 650, Sacramento, CA 958142022-10-24
Shawn Charles Basler Architect115 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 100032022-10-20
Andrew Robert Dorin Architect495 N Keller Rd, Suite 101, Maitland, FL 327512022-10-18
RWH Architect PLLC ARC Certificate of Authorization264 North Broadway, Unit 205, Salem, NH 030792022-10-17
Cordero Architecture PLLC ARC Certificate of Authorization2370 26th Street APT 2F, Apt 2f, Astoria, NY 111052022-10-10
Fishbeck of Rhode Island Architecture, Inc. ARC Certificate of Authorization1515 Arboretum Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 495462022-10-07
Richard Bret Flory Architect1913 Gardengrove Court, Plano, TX 750752022-10-06
Eric T. Jaffe Architect374 Rosedale Road, Princeton, NJ 085402022-10-04
EFN Architects, LLC ARC Certificate of Authorization43 Broad St B204, Hudson, MA 017492022-09-30
KN Architecture ARC Certificate of Authorization514 Boxwood Drive, Schaumburg, IL 601932022-09-20
David P Tidwell Architect ARC Certificate of Authorization153 Danforth St, Rehoboth, MA 027692022-09-19
Zachary Shirk Architect14614 N Kierland Blvd Suite, N300, Scottsdale, AZ 852542022-09-19
Desiree Guastella Currie Architect125 Hillside Ave, Providence, RI 029062022-09-14
Christopher Aaron Lanzisera Architect65 Allerton Street, Boston, MA 021192022-09-13
Andrew Queen Architect58 Church Street, Concord, NH 033012022-09-13
Sonnenfeld and Trocchia Architects. P.A ARC Certificate of Authorization53 East Main Street, Holmdel, NJ 077332022-09-08
Mallory Malkasian Barth Architect12 Anderson Drive, Barrington, RI2022-09-07
Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. ARC Certificate of Authorization201 SE Main Street, Suite 325, Minneapolis, MN 554142022-08-30
Stephen Curtis Hambrecht ARC Certificate of Authorization127 E. Ridgewood Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 074502022-08-30
WTW Architects, Inc. ARC Certificate of Authorization800 Waterfront Drive, Suite A, Pittsburgh, PA 152222022-08-30
Melanie R Friedman Architect3200 West Market Street, Suite 205, Fairlawn, OH 443332022-08-30
Danika Rae Sleeger-Dallam Architect600 North Hartley Street, Suite 150, York, PA 174042022-08-30
Craig S Spangler Architect833 Chestnut Street, Suite 1400, Philadelphia, PA 191072022-08-29
Manuel Cordero Architect2370 26th Street, Astoria, NY 111052022-08-26
Shital Galani Architect130 East Wilson Bridge Road, Suite 50, Worthington, OH 430852022-08-26
UDA Architects ARC Certificate of Authorization486 High Plain Street, Walpole, MA 020812022-08-21
Behnisch Studio East, LLP ARC Certificate of Authorization125 Kinsgton Street, Floor 2, Boston, MA 021112022-08-18
Xiaofeng Zhang ARC Certificate of Authorization3338 Shore Pkwy, #1 Fl, Brooklyn, NY 112352022-08-15
James Thornhill Architect3 Dundee Park Drive, Suite B02, Andover, MA 018102022-08-15
Peter Vieira Architect290 Congress Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 022102022-08-12
Andrew C. Rougas ARC Certificate of Authorization10 Thyme Drive, Cranston, RI 029212022-08-10
Zachary Nelson Architect LLC ARC Certificate of Authorization38 Barton Hill Rd, East Hampton, CT 064242022-08-08
Margaret Sturgis-Graff Parsons ArchitectCuningham Group Architecture, Inc, 201 SE Main St #325, Minneapolis, MN 554142022-08-04
Page Southerland Page, Inc. ARC Certificate of Authorization1100 Louisiana, Ste 1, Houston, TX 770022022-08-02
Aram Piligian Jr. Architect1081 Kingscote Drive, Harleysville, PA 194382022-08-01
John Austin Sullivan Architect10 Cape Cod Lane, Norwell, MA 020612022-07-28
Massa Multimedia Architecture, PC ARC Certificate of Authorization3297 Route 66, Neptune, NJ 077532022-07-27
Allee Architecture + Design, LLC ARC Certificate of Authorization56 Main Street, Millerton, NY 125462022-07-25
LGA Partners ARC Certificate of Authorization1425 Forbes Ave. Suite 400, Pittsburgh, PA 152192022-07-22
Ramiz Khoda Consulting & Design, LLC ARC Certificate of Authorization19046 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Suite #167, Tampa, FL 336472022-07-22
Varitronics Consulting, Inc. ARC Certificate of AuthorizationUS Highway 22 East, Bound Brook, NJ 088052022-07-22
Verdigris Design Studio Inc. ARC Certificate of Authorization34 School Street, Suite 203, Foxboro, MA 020352022-07-21
Arturo Chavez Architect1100 Louisiana, Suite One, Houston, TX 770022022-07-21
Imran Khan Architecture, LLC ARC Certificate of Authorization56 Murdock Street, Somerville, MA 021452022-07-17
Wetherbee Architecture, PC ARC Certificate of Authorization35 Wood Street, Providence, RI 029092022-07-13
Zachary Nelson Architect38 Barton Hill Road, East Hampton, CT 064242022-07-12
John Cole Allee ArchitectPO Box 1626, Lakeville, CT 060392022-07-11
Nathan Lee Colkitt Architect12 E 49th St, Fl 11, New York, NY 100172022-07-11
David Harris Hart Architect17 Exchange Place, Salt Lake City, UT 841112022-07-11
Stephen Dargo Architect, DPC ARC Certificate of Authorization194 Seaside Drive, Jamestown, RI 028352022-07-07
Eric R. Scott Architect1 East 33rd Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY 100162022-07-07
Scott Bofinger Architect1425 Forbes Avenue, Suite 400, Pittsburgh, PA 152192022-07-06
Helm Architecture + Design ARC Certificate of Authorization10 Goodwin Street, Niantic, CT 063572022-06-30
Stephen W. Palumbo Architect101 Seaport Blvd, Suite 700, Boston, MA 022102022-06-30
Dana Vaiciulionis Architect LLC ARC Certificate of Authorization95 Forest Street, South Weymouth, MA 021902022-06-27
Sue Horwitz Architect ARC Certificate of Authorization36 Copper Beech Drive, Portsmouth, RI 028712022-06-25
Sean Edward Barrett Architect347 Central St, Foxborough, MA 020352022-06-23
Jean Elizabeth Thacker Architect21 Drydock Ave, Boston, MA 022102022-06-22
Abigail S Hammett Architect50 Congress Street, Suite 340, Boston, MA 021092022-06-21
Stephen Thomas Tietke Architect53 Main Street, Holmdel, NJ 077332022-06-21
Kenneth A. Lewis Architect7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 100072022-06-20
ODA-Architecture, P.C. ARC Certificate of Authorization99 Hudson Street, FL 2, New York, NY 100132022-06-17
Kui Xue ARC Certificate of Authorization14 Emerald St, Newton, MA 024582022-06-17
Jason B. Costello Architect308 Congress St, Boston, MA 022102022-06-16
Thomas Robert Hughes Architect132 W 31st Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 100012022-06-16
Lauren Gerdeman Coburn Architect156 Porter St. #442, Boston, MA 021282022-06-15
Mark Louis Baughman Architect1150 18th Street NW, Suite 1010, Washington, DC 200362022-06-13
R. Geoffrey Spaete Architect14990 Landmark Blvd., Suite 265, Dallas, TX 752542022-06-13
Benjamin T. Williams Architect24 Havana Street, Roslindale, MA 021312022-06-13
Charles William Pope & Associates ARC Certificate of Authorization224 Gardenview, San Antonio, TX 782132022-06-11
Macht Architecture LLC ARC Certificate of Authorization1231 School La, Rydal, PA 190462022-06-10
Seabird Architects ARC Certificate of Authorization28 Main St., Suite 5, Essex, CT 064262022-06-08
paul joseph fatkins Architect3468 Whisper Creed Drive, Columbus, OH 432312022-06-07
Louis Joseph Free Architect56 Walbridge Hill Road, Tolland, CT 060842022-06-07